
Hi Sarah

I will forever be impressed by how you were able to alter a dress with so many intricate geometric details without changing the aesthetic. To make a dress look gorgeous on someone with a crooked figure is a feat! Thank you again for your skills and for making me feel comfortable.


Bridal couple walking.
Bride in wedding dress altered by Sarah Tai Bridal Alterations
Bride with bouquet of flowers
Couple kissing at altar

Photos and comments courtesy of Nam and shared with her permission.

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Jen & Evan

Hi Sarah,
I just wanted to get in touch to thank you for the excellent work you did on my wedding dress. I felt absolutely beautiful on the day and thanks to your adjustments I was also very comfortable. The bustle looked wonderful when it was up and it held so I could dance to my heart’s content at the end of the night. You are extremely talented and it was a pleasure to work with you. Everything was easy and was done to the highest standard. 


Bridal couple kissing
Bridal couple after wedding ceremony walking down the aisle
Bridal couple
Bridal couple walking in the woods
Wedding couple with sea as background
Silhouette of couple against sun
Couple kissing in garden setting with city skyline in the background
Bridal party with city skyline in the background

Photos courtesy of Jen and shared with permission.

Photo credit: Society Photography

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